

20.03.2024 | Infraestrutura

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Imetame Logística Porto has begun the construction of the Quay that will receive the first ship in 2025, when the operation will start in a more optimized way, in parallel with the continued construction of the quay. Today, more than 25 piles have been driven and are ready to support the first module of the quay, and the cantitreveller, an equipment with more than 300 tons of steel, that is already moving on these piles.

The project’s concrete plant is still in full production, supplying the precast plant, which has already produced 130 of the 3,240 precast parts required, as well as more than 400 m³ of submerged concrete for the pier piles.

The piles have recently undergone load testing, a standardized test in which the pile is subjected to twice its design load. The results were satisfactory, demonstrating the efficiency of the on-site precast design and fabrication and pile driving services.