09.01.2024 | Infraestrutura
Committed to a close and constant relationship with the neighbour communities Where the port project is undegoing, Imetame Logística Porto concluded, in the last days of December 2023, the macro-drainage work on Mauro de Oliveira Cunha Street and Antônio Francisco Miranda Avenue, located in Barra do Riacho, Aracruz-ES.
Counting on the strong dedication of employees and suppliers, this work took six months. In addition to complying with environmental conditions, the company seeks to improve the quality of life in the regions affected by the project, and has invested not only financial resources, but also human and operational resources following the authorization of the work by the state and municipal institutions involved.
Imetame was responsible for project preparation services (approved by the competent bodies), such as paving removal, land excavation, drainage system replacement and backfilling of the installed piping. Earthmoving machines, 11,000m³ of sand, more than 1,900 meters of HDPE pipe for drainage were used in the works.
These improvement works brought huge changes to the reality of the local community which, for many years, faced several challenges due to constant flooding in these streets.
Meeting a long-standing demand from the Barra do Riacho community, this action is mainly the result of the efforts and constant requests of the Barra do Riacho community, which can now experience a new reality. Hundreds of people, including residents and merchants, were directly benefited from the works.
“There have been many emotional and financial issues over the years. In 2020 I participated in a meeting held by Imetame to formalize the changes it would bring to our Community, I must confess that it reignited in me the hope of a new reality that now is coming true, as as Imetame is a company that keeps its word and always supports our region with various actions. Today I see a dream come true, a relief in my soul and heart, I feel emotional because I remember my dear father, who, if were alive, would be so happy seeing this work come true. You guys from Imetame are different and I am very grateful for everything.” Dalva de Oliveira Candida – resident of the community.
“The suffering here was great! My company was always flooded. We and the entire community have to thank Imetame a lot, because they said they would do, and they did. I fell very happy to end 2023 with this great work completed, which increases our joy in life.” Ademilson Conchave – resident of the community.
“Imetame is an example for other companies to follow, to be inspired by it to also do good in our region. They came with this improvement proposal to solve these flooding challenges once and for all. I congratulate this company for being committed to our community and getting this project off the ground and completing it. Our community believes in Imetame’s competence and we are grateful for everything!” Jonas Rocha Vicente – Community Leader of Barra do Riacho.