

These actions guarantee better results for the environment and Community.

29.01.2024 | Sustentabilidade

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Imetame has, among its values, socio-environmental commitment, and its essence is to guarantee the protection of natural conditions in the areas of influence of its port enterprise. Coastline monitoring represents one of these important sustainability and environmental enhancement actions.

This monitoring is carried out by continuously checking variations in the beach/coastline profile (confitions) over time. Our objective is to analyze possible changes in beach/coastline profiles/conditions, in order to prevent and monitor possible changes, caused by natural processes or human intervention, that pose a challenge for coastal protection. This action takes place quarterly and is supported by scientifically recognized technologies and methods.

The monitoring carried out by Imetame has been taking place since the beginning of the port’s works, in 2021, in order to comply with the environmental conditions of the Port’s installation license. The analysis includes strategic points on some beaches such as Regência, to the north, and Santa Cruz, to the south of the project.

So far, no changes related to the implementation of the Port have been identified. Monitoring will be carried out throughout the installation phase and in the initial years of operation, always with the monitoring of environmental agencies.